Here at Vardaan Hospital ,Special Seminars are provided to convey proper information regarding vaccination to patients. which includes:
Vaccination schedule
When You need vaccination
How to follow vaccination schedule.
What kind of vaccination available
Vaccination for procure disease etc.

Every seminar will include both a discussion of the benefits to society of high levels of immunity in the community as well as an assessment of the pros and cons of each of the routine vaccinations. We assess the risks of the diseases, and the effectiveness and potential risks of the vaccines. We will also go over some strategies for minimizing the risks of vaccination. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and/or share their experiences. We invite other practitioners and parents with significant experiences with vaccine reactions, etc. to share their experience, too. Our goal is to give a balanced account based as much as possible on scientific evidence, so that parents will be more knowledgeable about the issues and thus more confident in their vaccination choices. Every seminar will include both a discussion of the benefits to society of high levels of immunity in the community as well as an assessment of the pros and cons of each of the routine vaccinations. We assess the risks of the diseases, and the effectiveness and potential risks of the vaccines. We will also go over some strategies for minimizing the risks of vaccination. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and/or share their experiences. We invite other practitioners and parents with significant experiences with vaccine reactions, etc. to share their experience, too. Our goal is to give a balanced account based as much as possible on scientific evidence, so that parents will be more knowledgeable about the issues and thus more confident in their vaccination choices.

Schedule an Appointment

To make an appointment, call us anytime ,24 hr services are available.
Please note: There is a charge for children’s immunizations. Please call our appointment staff to discuss costs. A current immunization record is needed for appointments.