Painless Delivery/ Abortions

Many expecting mothers will like to experience a normal delivery but without the labour pain. Epidural Analgesia is the most common method of Painless Delivery. Our team of skilled gynecologists and anesthetists will be more than happy to administer the process and accompany you through this wonderful experience.
Vardaan Hospital has Conducted Various Painless Deliveries Under experts Guidance without any Side Effect.
As and when the delivery date approaches closer, every woman becomes tremendously anxious about the way she will face the pains..

Many expecting mothers will like to experience a normal delivery but without the labour pain. Epidural Analgesia is the most common method of Painless Delivery. Our team of skilled gynecologists and anesthetists will be more than happy to administer the process and accompany you through this wonderful experience.
Vardaan Hospital has Conducted Various Painless Deliveries Under experts Guidance without any Side Effect.
As and when the delivery date approaches closer, every woman becomes tremendously anxious about the way she will face the pains. But relax. Today, with the help of advanced medical science, women are fortunate that they can undergo a normal delivery but need not go through the excruciating pain. We have dedicated team of doctors (gynecologists and anesthetists) who have hands on executing the Painless Delivery process for you. To opt or not for this alternative, is utterly the couple’s choice. But in the end, it is a soothing experience to have a healthy and beautiful baby still without any tiring labor pains which are usually a part and parcel of a normal delivery.

Here at Vardaan hospital we will try to do Normal Delivery in most of the cases. Only in case of emergency as if required only then we do cesarean.
Vardaan hospital also handle abortions in case of unwanted baby or any type of miscarriage.

Labor and Delivery Checklist

Questions For Your Doctor:
1.) What do I do if I think I am in labor?
2.) What pain management options do I have?
3.) When is it necessary to perform a cesarean delivery?

Things To Do Checklist:

1.) Take a hospital tour and labor room
2.) Arrange for help at home if possible
3.) Prepare for the first weeks before delivery
4.) Make sure you have fuel in the car.
5.) Pack your bags for the labor room.


Clinic offers painless, safe and confidential abortion. we have been performing abortions for the last many years. We use methods that are safe and are relatively free of complications. Centre is fully equipped with all machines required for the procedure and we use all disposables, so there is no risk of infection. Abortion is conducted in warm, clean and sterelised surroundings. Prior to the procedure, we conduct all blood and urine tests required. Ultrasound is performed before the procedure to know the exact size and position of intrauterine pregnancy. After the procedure, the patient is shifted to the recovery room where she rests for some time and is then discharged.