The female reproductive organs are made up of a womb, vagina, Fallopian tubes and ovaries. The womb is about the size of a pear. It is made of specialized muscle and lies in the pelvis between the bladder and the bowel. A Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (TLH) is an operation to remove the uterus with the aid of an operating telescope called a laparoscope. This tiny instrument is inserted through a small cut in the abdominal wall and allows the surgeon to see into your abdomen. The major benefit of this kind of hysterectomy is that you will not need to have a large cut in your abdomen and your recovery is usually much faster. Your cervix, or the neck of the womb, is also removed during this operation. Your ovaries may or may not be removed depending on your wishes and your condition.

Why is a Hysterectomy Recommended ?

Heavy or very painful periods

In some women, day-to-day life is made difficult because of heavy periods. Sometimes the heavy bleeding can cause anaemia. There are various other treatment options for heavy periods, including tablets and an intrauterine system. If they don’t improve the problem, hysterectomy is an option for treatment.


These are swellings of abnormal muscle that grow in the womb. Fibroids are common and often do not cause any symptoms. However, in some women they can cause heavy or painful periods. Some fibroids are quite large and can press on the bladder to cause urinary symptoms.


This is where the uterus or parts of the vaginal wall drop down. This may happen after the menopause when the tissues which support the uterus tend to become thinner and weaker.


This is a condition where the cells which line the uterus are found outside the uterus in the pelvis. This can cause scarring around the uterus, and may cause the bladder or rectum to stick to the uterus or Fallopian tubes. Endometriosis may cause only mild symptoms, but some women develop painful periods, abdominal pain or have pain during sex.


Hysterectomy may be advised if you develop cancer of the cervix, uterus, Fallopian tubes or ovaries.
For most of the conditions mentioned above (apart from cancer), hysterectomy is usually considered a last resort after other treatments have failed.


Decreased blood loss, Faster recovery time, Greatly reduced post-operative pain, Quicker return to daily activities, Improved cosmoses, At Vardaan Hospital, Hysterectomy is performed with the latest techniques and under the guidance of Specialists.